Thursday, November 10, 2011

day 10: airmiles

I know it sounds silly, but I am very thankful for airmiles.  They allow me to go places that I wouldn't necessarily want to pay the money for at the time.  They make a plane ticket seem inexpensive and allow me to visit new places and frequent my the old favorites.  I'm a saver when it comes to airmiles.  I like to save them up and decide where to go.  I recently redeemed some to help pay for my airline ticket to NYC coming up.  I also had enough to pay for my friends airline ticket.  She paid the hotel and I took care of the airfare and we both came out ahead.  Otherwise, we would have both been paying $500 plus for airfare.  They are a great thing to save up by using credit cards and paying them off each month if you are disciplined enough to pay them off each month.  That is how I earn most of my airmiles.  Anyways, regardless of how I earn them (as long as it's legal) I am thankful that I am able to earn them and love saving and using them!

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